• SP_Fill_Q3

    Article No. 040920

    SP Fill Q3

    Mineral surface filler and fine render

    0409 | antique white
    Size / Quantity

    Product specifications

    On delivery

    Maximum grain size 0.3 mm
    Capillary water absorption w24 >1 kg/m²h0.5
    Layer thickness Single layer 1 - 5 mm
    Bulk density Approx. 1.1 kg/dm³
    Water requirement 6.0-6.4 l/20 kg
    Compressive strength class CS II (1.5 - 5.0 N/mm²)

    The stated values represent typical product characteristics and are not to be construed as binding product specifications.

    Field of application

    • For use indoors and outdoors
    • Creating fine, closed plaster surfaces that are ready for painting
    • Smoothing restoration renders and mineral undercoats
    • Mineral surface filler for use in interior and exterior areas


    • Can be painted and papered
    • Can be felted
    • Single layer thickness 1 - 5 mm
    • Can be applied by hand or machine
    • Preparation
      • Substrate requirements

        Clean, dust-free and capable of supporting a load.

      • Preparations

        Pre-wet the substrate.

        Pre-wet hydrophobic substrates with low surface tension water.

        Pretreat highly absorbent substrates with Primer Hydro F.

    • Application
      • Application temperature: min. 5 °C max. 30 °C
      • Mortar cover / Filling knife / Trowel application / Application by spraying
      • Using a suitable tool, apply the product as a contact layer.

        Apply product in the desired coating thickness.

        Smooth the surface using a suitable tool.

        Carry out subsequent surface treatment after material has stiffened.

        Can be sanded once set.

    • Application instructions
      • Once it has hardened, mortar must not be made workable again by adding either water or more wet mortar.

        Protect wet mortar surfaces against frost, rain and drying out too quickly for at least 4 days.

        Hairline/shrinkage cracks are safe and are not cause for complaint as they do not impair the properties of the mortar.

        When coating continuous surfaces, only use materials with the same batch number.

        Take appropriate measures to protect adjacent building elements and materials that should not come into contact with the product.

        Please contact Remmers Technical Service (phone +49 5432 83900) before applying with machine processing.

    • Working tools / cleaning
      • Mortar cover / Filling knife / Trowel application / Application by spraying
      • Mixing tool, trowel, smoothing trowel, sponge float, felt float trowel

      • Clean tools and equipment with water before the mortar sets.

    • Storage / shelf life
      • Protect form moisture
      • Shelf-life 12 months
      • If stored in an unopened container and in a dry place, the product will keep for approx. 12 months.

    • Usage
      • 1.3 kg / mm thick layer / m²
      • Approx. 1.3 kg/m²/mm layer thickness, on average approx. 3.0 kg/m².

      • Apply to a large enough trial area to determine the precise amount required.

    • General information
      • May contain traces of pyrite (iron sulphide).

        Low chromate content in accordance with Directive 2003/53/EC.

        Do not use on gypsum-based substrates.

        The mixing water must be of drinking water quality.

        Always set up a trial area/trial areas first.

        The characteristic data of the product were calculated under laboratory conditions at 20°C and 65% relative humidity.

        Current regulations and legal requirements must be taken into account and deviations from these must be agreed separately.

        The relevant test certificates must be observed when planning and carrying out work.

    • Disposal instructions
      • Larger quantities of leftover product should be disposed of in the original containers in accordance with the applicable regulations. Completely empty, clean containers should be recycled. Do not dispose of together with household waste. Do not allow to enter the sewage system. Do not empty into drains.

    • Safety / regulations
      • For further information on the safety aspects of transporting, storing and handling the product and on disposal and environmental matters, please see the current Safety Data Sheet.