Quality & environment
Aqua OWF-68 eco Application on wood

Our quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management policy

Thinking and acting sustainably

We have a special responsibility to preserve the environment, and we can all do this by making contributions in our workplace. Continuing to promote and strengthen the sustainability of our company is not just “lip service” for us, but remains the basis for firm objectives in all areas. In particular, by 2025, we want to further improve the efficiency of our use of raw materials and energy sources without sacrificing performance and quality. With regard to our product range, we will establish new product qualities on the market that meet the highest standards of ecology and consumer protection. We will continue to disclose our progress on this path in annual reports.

For a medium-sized family business like Remmers, the planned and transparently managed improvement of our sustainability is a central corporate goal and is therefore also firmly anchored in our corporate mission statement.

Sustainable products

The Remmers [eco] brand embodies the responsible use of materials as well as human and natural resources, both within and outside of the company. Products with this quality mark can be found throughout the Remmers product range.

Remmers [eco] stands for modern, forward-looking and sustainable action and relates to the company’s product and production, procurement and purchasing, research and development, logistics and sales divisions.


Milestones of the integrated management system

As part of the "Integrated Management System" established at Remmers, we have our continuous improvement reviewed annually by independent, renowned auditors. Continuous improvement in the areas of quality, environmental protection and occupational safety – certified for over 25 years!

  • 1993: Certified quality management in accordance with ISO 9001 for parts of production
  • 1994: Certified quality management in accordance with ISO 9001 for the entire company
  • 1996: Certified environmental management system in accordance with EMAS III for the Bad Düben production site
  • 1997: Certified environmental management system in accordance with EMAS III for the entire company
  • 2000: Certified environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 for the entire company
  • 2005: Certified health, safety and occupational safety management in accordance with BS OHSAS 18001
  • 2020: Certified health, safety and occupational safety management system in accordance with ISO 45001

The Remmers mission statement

The Remmers Group AG policy describes the guiding principles of our quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management and provides us with the framework for defining our goals and evaluating the degree to which they have been achieved. With this policy, we reaffirm our commitment to our customers, and to the continuous improvement of all company processes.
Product quality, competitiveness, innovative strength, occupational safety and environmental protection are the basis for the future existence of our Group and form the indispensable foundation of our success. The companies within the Remmers Group offer intelligent solutions with innovative products and customised services.
This opens up opportunities for success through trusting and reliable partnerships with our customers.


Our actions are always focused on our customers and their satisfaction, the continuous improvement of our management system, the prevention of injuries and illnesses among our employees, the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety performance and the improvement of environmental performance, including through the economical use of resources. We consult the employees of our company or their company representatives on all relevant aspects with regard to occupational health and safety and involve them in the implementation of the associated measures.
We avoid any form of discrimination in all our activities, e.g. with regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or age. In our company, we systematically exclude any form of harassment and abuse of our employees.
Compliance with applicable legal obligations in relation to our competition law, environmental and occupational health and safety activities as well as additional self-imposed obligations is monitored, and the degree of compliance and the processes established to ensure compliance are regularly evaluated by us.
Through this, we ensure in particular that we do not engage in, promote or even tolerate acts of corruption or the acceptance of benefits.
The required conduct in the event of operational disruptions and emergencies is described in alarm plans and in an internal reporting guideline as well as in a safety concept. We constantly analyse and monitor the impact of our activities on people and the environment.
We focus on testing and optimising our products and production processes in terms of their quality and environmental compatibility, minimising harmful effects on the environment in all activities and using resources sparingly and carefully.
Our corporate policy is based on, among other things, the corporate governance principles of the G20 and the OECD, last revised in 2015. We have defined our long-term goals as a company and documented them both internally and externally in the "Remmers Vision 2025".
The responsible handling of raw materials and human resources in accordance with the respective legal requirements along the value chain is an integral part of the corporate policy.
For Remmers Group AG, this means increasing resource efficiency, preserving non-renewable resources for future generations and treating employees and their rights with respect and in compliance with the law.

Documented improvement of our environmental performance

Remmers does not just pay lip service to its commitment to continuous improvement, and this goes for our environmental impact too. We continuously evaluate our potential for improvement and set ourselves targets derived from this every year. The measures we then take demonstrably lead to a documented and continuous improvement in our environmental performance, which can be viewed in our environmental statement.


Quality is no coincidence at Remmers, but the result of teamwork, expertise and care. No production batch leaves the factory without being put through its paces. Customers are becoming more and more demanding, as are the batch tests. The aim is not to hit an ever smaller target by making ever more complex corrections, but rather the contrary:

the fewer corrections that need to be made, the better this is for consistent product quality. This can only be realised through the seamless interaction of all interfaces. Last but not least, our concept is rounded off in terms of sales quality by a highly qualified network of specialist advisers who work closely with industry, tradespeople and DIY customers.

industrial warehouse

Quality starts in purchasing with the selection of suppliers and raw materials.

Employees in the laboratory

Quality continues in the development and practical testing of product formulations by the Research and Development department.

Remmers also focuses on quality in production. Remmers continuously invests in state-of-the-art production facilities and concepts. This leads to extremely stable and reproducible processes.