Article No. 181310
Water-dilutable siloxane concentrate

Product specifications
The stated values represent typical product characteristics and are not to be construed as binding product specifications.
Field of application
- Porous, mineral building materials such as fired and sand-lime brick, sandstone, mineral renders
- Subsequent horizontal waterproofing of masonry under low pressure up to a degree of moisture penetration of 95%
- Wet-in-wet procedure (multi-stage injection)
- Water repellent
- High penetration depth
- Active ingredient content: 100%
- Water dilutable (up to 1:12)
- High yielding
Substrate requirements
Drilling channel must be free of drill dust.
Wet-in-wet method for low-pressure injection
Drill holes: single row, diameter 18 mm, spacing 12.6 cm, angle approx. 45°, hole depth to approx. 5 cm before end of wall.
For walls > 0.6 m thick, it is recommended to make the series of drill holes on both sides.
Clean out the holes with oil-free compressed air.
Packer assembly.
Pre-inject BSP 3 or BSP 6 (borehole suspension) into hollow masonry.
Re-pierce filled boreholes after incipient hardening of the BSP.
Insulate the wall surface with Kiesol and waterproofing slurry to a distance of at least 30 cm above and below the row of drill holes.
Wet-in-wet method for low-pressure injection
After a reaction time of 30 - 60 minutes (BSP3/BSP6), inject Kiesol iK (mixed 1:10 with water) using a suitable injection device and packers.
Application instructions
Take appropriate measures to protect adjacent building elements and materials that should not come into contact with the product.
When mixing, always add the Kiesol iK to the water.
Always use clean, empty containers for mixing.
After injection, fill the boreholes with borehole suspension.
Accompanying measures according to WTA guidelines may be necessary.
Working tools / cleaning
Clean tools immediately after use with water.
Ensure that any residue from cleaning is disposed of correctly.
Storage / shelf life
If stored unopened in its original container in a cool, dry place and protected against frost, the product will keep for at least 12 months.
General information
Not suitable for aerated concrete or loam building materials.
Material mixed with distilled water can be stored for up to 6 months.
The product reacts with moisture in the air.
Avoid prolonged contact with air and with small quantities of water.
The relevant test certificates must be observed when planning and carrying out work.
The applicable regulations and legal requirements must be observed.
Information on planning injection processes with and processing certified injection materials against capillary moisture transport can be found in WTA Code of Practice 4-10 and must be taken into account.
Disposal instructions
Larger quantities of leftover product should be disposed of in the original containers in accordance with the applicable regulations. Completely empty, clean containers should be recycled. Do not dispose of together with household waste. Do not allow to enter the sewage system. Do not empty into drains.
Safety / regulations
For further information on the safety aspects of transporting, storing and handling the product and on disposal and environmental matters, please see the current Safety Data Sheet.