Wasserbauwerke wie Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen unterliegen extremen, standzeitverkürzenden Dauerbelastungen wie chemischer und biogener Schwefelsäurekorrosion (BSK), positiver und negativer Wasserbelastung sowie mechanischer Beanspruchung. Mit der Remmers Fachplanung erhalten Sie alles aus einer Hand: Qualifizierte Bauzustandsanalyse, Erstellung eines maßgeschneiderten Sanierungskonzeptes und Begleitung bei der nachhaltigen Sanierungsausführung.
Damage caused by anaerobic waste water
Today, modern household appliances reduce water consumption considerably. Due to the fact that the percentage of dirt particles is not reduced, the concentration is increased and more anaerobic water with heavy pollution for the sewer system is created.
• Static effect
• Chemical attack
• Biologic attack
• Mechanical loads (abrasion)
• Dynamic loads (traffic)
• Water contaminants

Requirements according to the IKT research project
To avoid damage after repairs, the State Ministry of NRW commissioned the IKT Institute for Underground Infrastructure with a research project on 20 concrete shaft structures. The Remmers silicate technology is the most reliable mineralogical lining for sewer manholes and the total overall properties is impressive notably due to the:
• Subsurface bond without cracks
• Water proofing against positive and negative water pressure
• Surface protection
Remmers Silicate System
Mineralogical protection systems by Remmers, including the silicate technology, are some of the world’s most proven repair materials for structures.
• High chemical resistance at pH 0 and pH 14 according to sewer duct construction guide lines
• Heat-resistance up to a temperature of +570° C
• High abrasion resistance
• Can be cleaned with high-pressure water jet equipment up to 120 bar and +150° C
• Excellent adhesive bond to the subsurface