Article No. 527825

    rotec Glass Powder

    rotec soft jet granules, no risk of silicosis

    Grain size
    5278 | A2
    Size / Quantity

    Product specifications

    On delivery

    Bulk density Approx. 1.3 - 1.4 g/cm³

    The stated values represent typical product characteristics and are not to be construed as binding product specifications.

    Field of application

    • rotec soft whirl jet technique


    • Synthetic soft whirl jet granules
    • Gentle action on the substance
    • Optimum performance and minimal surface removal
    • No risk of silicosis from blasting material
    • For use according to the requirements of BGR 500 Section 2.24
    • Environmentally friendly blasting material in accordance with ISO 11126-4 N/CS/G
    • Preparation
      • Preparations

        Take appropriate measures to protect adjacent building elements and materials that should not come into contact with the product.

    • Application
      • Application temperature: min. 5 °C max. 40 °C
      • Application requirements

        Temperature of the material, air and substrate: from min. +5 °C to max. +30 °C

      • Working with the rotec soft jet system.

    • Application instructions
      • The grain size of the blasting media depends on the substrate of the substance being removed.

        The more sensitive the substrate, the finer the grain size of the blasting media should be.

        Observe the additional technical information.

    • Working tools / cleaning
      • rotec soft jet system

    • Storage / shelf life
      • Protect form moisture
      • If stored in unopened original containers in a dry place, the product will keep for at least 36 months.

    • Usage
      • 40 - 100 kg/h

    • General information
      • Please observe the information provided by the blasting equipment manufacturer.

        Always set up a sufficiently large, representative trial area or areas!

        Current regulations and legal requirements must be taken into account and deviations from these must be agreed separately.

        The relevant test certificates must be observed when planning and carrying out work.

    • Disposal instructions
      • Larger quantities of leftover product should be disposed of in the original containers in accordance with the applicable regulations. Completely empty, clean containers should be recycled. Do not dispose of together with household waste. Do not allow to enter the sewage system. Do not empty into drains.

        Any material that is contaminated after application must be disposed of in accordance with the applicable regulations.

    • Safety / regulations
      • For further information on the safety aspects of transporting, storing and handling the product and on disposal and environmental matters, please see the current Safety Data Sheet.